Wednesday, June 13, 2007

No More Bird Reports!!!

I think every single person can look back and name a time they had to research some topic, write a report on it, and hand it in to the teacher for marking. Numerous times I wrote these types of reports - the Blue Footed Boobie, the planet Jupiter, Pierre Trudeau - they were so boring. The teacher was usually my only audience. On rare occasion we shared our reports with the class. What did I really learn from doing this? I learned to look up my topic in the encyclopedia, find a few books, and later use search the internet. Then, you write everything you found in those few sources, just regurgitate the information. Really, very little thought was required to complete the assignment. Today, we are saying "No more bird reports!"
When you are learning about a new topic and studying it there are numerous ways to show people what you have learned. Students should not be limited to writing a report that regurgitates what they have heard and read. Why not create a skit and video tape it to show to your class? The students will learn to create a story line or script, how to create and edit video, they will collaborate, and they can explore the topic that they are working with. This expands the learning that is taking place. Plus, why should every student have to do the same thing to show their progress? Rather than all students writing a report, one might create a Power Point show, another a comic strip, maybe a website, or write a song/rap in Garage Band. All of these will help the student continue to explore the topic or lesson, demonstrate their learning, and with choice they can choose to work in a way that is suited to their learning style. Rather than having a few students write good reports while the others write average reports, you can have all students succeed using a program or method that they enjoy. Since I began university I have been exposed to many ways to present my work. Personally, I find that I get better marks, feel more confident and proud in my work, and learn more in the process when I use other methods than writing an essay. One of my most successful projects was a Power Point presentation that included pictures, video, and other information. Since I have become comfortable in public speaking, I presented my information to my class by speaking about my Power Point I had put together. Not only did I learn about the topic I was expected to learn about, I improved my technological skills, public speaking skills, and researching skills. I want to expose my students to a variety of ways to demonstrate their learning. Not all students learn the same, so why should they all do the exact same assignments?

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