Monday, May 14, 2007

My Technological Background

On May 7 I began the class ECMP 355. As a future teacher in the 21st Century I feel it is absolutely necessary to gain knowledge on technology and how to use it in the classroom/my teaching. It has been 6 years since I finished high school in the small town of Young, Saskatchewan. I attended high school at a time when technology was growing in importance, but it wasn't yet practiced as a supplement to our learning. We used technology in the way my teachers new best: word processing, Excel documents and graphs, and using the internet for research. However, I do need to give credit where credit is due. Upon entering university I realized I had a lot more experience with computers and computer programs than many of my peers. Just this past school year I helped some classmates learn just a few of the ways they could use Excel. So, I am thankful for the technological opportunities I was given.

In grade 12, our principal/math teacher recognized there was room for a new class to be offered to the grade 11/12 students. Many did not want to take Chemistry because they didn't "need it" to get into their post-secondary program of choice. Our very insightful and tech savvy principal decided this was the perfect opportunity to add a technological component to our school. He offered and taught Computer Science 20 and 30. Unfortanately, I did need to take Chemistry to get into the program I planned to take in university, and I was unable to take Computer Science. Now, looking back, was this a mistake?

It's really hard to say. But right now, I feel like it is my duty as a future teacher to learn as a much as possible about technology and it's uses. When I was in elementary school we used computers once a week to play "Lemonade Stand" on the old Apples. My students will have been exposed to computers, the internet, and other technology since birth. Even this blogging thing is very new and foreign to me! I am thankful for this ECMP class. I chose to take it as an elective to better prepare myself as a teacher in the age of technolgy. I know I will learn a lot in the class, through my adventures in blogging/podcasting, and throught all of the links and supplemental information that I am provided with. Thank goodness, because I was getting worried!

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